That pressure injury or sore was 7cm deep, it resulted in me being in bed rest for seven months to heal, that was quite a traumatic experience in its own way and I can talk more about that I think I spend a large proportionate of my time either managing my care situation, or managing […]

Active Release Technique Therapy A.R.T is somewhat similar to massage therapy in that a therapist will use their hands to manipulate soft tissues. During A.R.T, however, the patient or the therapist will actively flex and extend different muscle groups during manual therapy. This active motion improves circulation and helps to break down scar tissue. A.R.T […]

With foot deformities and insensate feet, Spina Bifida patients are at risk of foot skin breakdown, pressure ulcers, and osteomyelitis. Rarely, pressure ulcers progress to squamous cell carcinoma. Spina Bifida patients may require limb amputation for osteomyelitis, foot ulcers, and squamous cell carcinoma. There is concern that transtibial amputations would have poor functional outcomes in […]

Elevating legs occasionally Rest– Immediately rest the affected area as much as possible. Experts recommend 24 to 48 hours of no weight-bearing activities. Continued use of a moderate or severely sprained ankle can delay healing, increase pain, or even worsen the injury. With a mild sprain, activity is generally tolerated after 24 to 48 hours […]